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Premature Ejaculation; Its Causes And Cure

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a very common sexual problem that affects men of all ages. It is characterised by a lack of control over ejaculation, and is often associated with anxiety and stress. Forget the myths, premature ejaculation (PE) is a real and very common problem. It’s estimated that 1 in 3 men will experience PE at some point in their lives, so you’re certainly not alone.


There’s no single cause of premature ejaculation, but there are a number of contributing factors. These can include psychological factors like anxiety, nerves or stress, as well as physical factors like an overly sensitive penis or a thyroid condition.

There are many different causes of PE, and it is often a combination of psychological and physical factors. However, the good news is that there are many different treatments available that can help you regain control over your ejaculation.

Physical causes of PE may include

  •  Abnormal levels of certain hormones.
  •  Abnormal nerve function.
  •  Certain medications.
  •  Erectile dysfunction.
  •  Infections or inflammation of the urethra or prostate.
  •  Injuries to the spinal cord or nervous system.


One of the most effective treatments for PE is Priligy 30mg, which is a medication that is taken before sex. Priligy works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain, which helps to delay ejaculation.

Priligy is available in two different doses, and you should start with the lower dose and increase it if necessary. It is important to talk to your doctor about the best dose for you.

Another effective treatment for PE is behavioural therapy, which involves learning how to control your ejaculation through different techniques. This can be an effective treatment on its own, or it can be used in combination with other treatments.

Other treatment options include behavioural therapy, such as the stop-start technique. This involves stopping sexual activity just before you ejaculate, then starting again.

You may also be advised to use a condom to help prevent PE.

If you’re concerned about your premature ejaculation, speak to your doctor. They will ask about your symptoms and may examine you.

Some More Treatment Options

There are a number of things you can do to treat premature ejaculation. The treatment that’s right for you will depend on the cause of your PE and how bothersome it is.

Treatment options may include:

  •  Behavioural therapy. This type of therapy can help you identify and manage your sexual triggers.
  •  Medications. Certain antidepressants can help delay ejaculation.
  •  Pelvic floor muscle training. This type of therapy can help you learn to control your ejaculation.
  •  Use of numbing agents. These products can help reduce sensation and delay ejaculation.

You may also need to make some lifestyle changes, such as:

  •  Managing stress.
  •  Practicing healthy sexual habits.

The Takeaway
If you are struggling to control your ejaculation, then you should speak to your doctor about the different treatment options that are available. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action for you.

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