Period Delay
The week that you are on your period can be a stressful affair, and it can be made even more difficult when you have an upcoming event or holiday. In these cases, it is possible to delay your period, so it has a later onset and misses these important dates. The safest method of doing this is through taking the medication Norethisterone – a synthetic version of the sex hormone progesterone which helps to control when your period takes place. This medication is available from pharmacies.
How to Order?

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Control your period date and safely delay it upto 17 days
From: £17.00From £17.00
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Why might period delay be necessary?
Periods can be a huge inconvenience, particularly if you have an important event. For example, you might have a test or exam and not want the discomfort of a period becoming a distraction, or you may be going on holiday and not want your period to get in the way of your fun. Whatever the reason, wanting to delay your period is understandable, and possible.
How does period delay work?
One of the hormones that indicates when your period takes place is progesterone. In order to delay your period, you can take a synthetic version of this hormone named norethisterone, which tricks your body into thinking that you are pregnant. This will delay your period for the time that you are taking the medication containing the norethisterone.
Is delaying your period safe?
Using norethisterone is safe as long as it is used on a temporary and occasional basis. Some women may experience mild side effects such as breast tenderness, headaches, nausea, fluctuations in sex drive, or differences in mood. These should not concern you, but if you require reassurance or are worried about these side effects, speak to a healthcare professional.