Ear Care
Our ears are very important to us. Not only do they allow us to hear, but they also help with our balance. Ear care is therefore very important to our well-being.
Although excess wax build-up and ear infections can be uncomfortable, there are several medications that help remove wax and get rid of symptoms.
Showing all 5 results
EarCalm Spray – 5ml
Treats minor infections of the outer ear
£6.49 -
Earol Olive Oil Spray – 10ml
Softens or naturally removes ear wax
£5.99 -
Olive Oil Ear Drops – 10ml
Gently softens and removes hardened ear wax
£2.49 -
Otex Ear Drops – 8ml
Clinically proven to help remove hardened ear wax
£4.19 -
Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops – 10ml
Treats and eliminates hardened ear wax
Showing all 5 results
What is ear wax?
Ear wax is totally natural and exists to help stop dirt and germs from getting into our areas. However, some people experience excess wax build-up.
Why does ear wax build up?
This can be caused by natural build-up, old age, and narrow or hairy canals. The use of hearing aids, earplugs, and anything you put inside your ears can also cause wax to build-up as they push the wax further in.
What happens when ear wax builds up?
Excess wax build-up can cause earache, difficulty hearing, itchiness, dizziness, a ‘ringing’ in the ear, and ear infections. Ear infections are most common in children, but adults also experience infections as a result of illness or water building up in the ear causing bacteria to form.
What are the treatments options available?
Excess wax build up and ear infections can be uncomfortable. There are, however, several medications that help remove wax and get rid of symptoms. This includes ear drops and sprays that most commonly contain olive oil or hydrogen peroxide.