Pillhub | COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 Testing

We are proud to announce that we are on the UK government’s approved list of private providers for test to release for international arrivals and general COVID-19 testing.

Pillhub offers PCR testing for:

  1. Travelling Abroad (Fit to Fly Certificate)
  2. Travelling to the UK ( Day 2 & 8 for International Arrivals)

Showing all 3 results

  • Covid 19 Sample Collection Kit

    Day 2 Lateral Flow Test

    Government approved Day 2 Antigen Self-Testing Device

  • covid-19 hom testing kit

    Day 2 PCR Test

    Green list day 2 testing for International Arrivals

  • Covid-19 PCR fit to fly test

    Fit to Fly PCR

    You will need to take this test 3 days before travelling abroad.


Showing all 3 results

What is a PCR test?

PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction which is a swab test used to detect specific genetic material form a specific organism, such as a virus. PCR test is the most accurate and reliable form of testing for COVID-19 virus.

A soft tip swab is used to collect respiratory material found in your throat and nose. This will then be placed in a tube which contains preservatives to maintain the sample in a condition suitable for testing in the laboratory.

Take the throat sample first:
Stand in front of a mirror. Open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out. Take the swab and place the soft tip of the swab in the back of your throat. Rub the swab on the right side of your throat 5 times. Repeat the same thing on the left side 5 times. If this is done properly you will gag.

Take the nose sample:
Take the same swab out of your mouth and place the soft tip inside one of your nostrils. Insert it until you feel resistance. Once inside rotate 5 times.
Then transfer the swab to the other nostril and again wipe around the inside of your nose 5 times. This may bring some tears to your eyes.
Once you have taken the swab, unscrew the cap off the tube containing the liquid. Make sure you keep it upright because it contains preservative fluid. Place the soft tip of the swab into the tube. Snap off the swab end at the breaking-point then screw the cap back on. It is important to place the swab in the tube that contains the liquid.